A Note on Spring: Rose Geranium

A Note on Spring: Rose Geranium

Geranium, specifically “rose geranium,” is used as the base note in our Spring Botanical Eau De Parfum for its spectacular lingering rose scent.

Did you know the Ancient Egyptians used geranium oil for perfume, skincare, and rituals and religious ceremonies?

In both modern aromatherapy and traditional Chinese medicine, geranium is known for its detoxifying, balancing, and uplifting effects on the mind and body.

Studies have shown geranium has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety properties. So many powerful properties in one plant!

Our Spring botanical perfume is inspired by early spring, when the ground is still cold and everything is waiting for that life force that sends green shoots out looking for the sun. 

I find this season to be equal parts mystery and beauty… and rose geranium plays its part to capture Spring's mystery and bring it to you to enjoy all year.

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